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Private School vs Grammar School: Understanding Key Differences?

Private School vs Grammar School, grammar school vs public school uk, the difference between grammar school and high school, what is a grammar school in England private grammar school near me

Deciding Private School vs Grammar School can be a perplexing task for many parents in the UK. In this informative guide, we delve into the complexities of this educational debate. Secondary schools generally have three main types: comprehensive (state-funded), private (independent), and Grammar Schools.

Notably, private and Grammar Schools garner popularity among parents seeking to provide their children with exceptional educational opportunities. Both school types emphasise academic achievement and consistently produce outstanding results.

Before going into much detail, you must know what Grammar and Private Schools are in the UK.

What are Grammar Schools in the UK?

Grammar Schools are a specific type of state school that exclusively admit children with a higher level of intellectual ability. While many Grammar Schools have integrated into the comprehensive schooling system in the UK, there are still many schools in operation today.

You can find a Grammar School near your area.

These schools employ a selective admission process, accepting students who achieve the highest scores on an entrance exam, commonly called the 11 Plus exam. As the Grammar School entrance exam is competitive, your child must prepare through online 11 Plus tuition and using the best study materials.

More About Top Grammar Schools in UK

Comprehensive and Grammar Schools are tuition-free, while private schools require fees. Yet, Grammar and private schools share the practice of selecting students based on academic prowess. In contrast, comprehensive schools enrol solely from specific local zones.

Notably, private and Grammar Schools in the UK attract parents seeking exceptional performance for their children. Both prioritise academic success and consistently achieve outstanding results.

During 2017, St. Paul’s Girls’ School, Westminster School, and Eton College (private institutions) saw 97% of their students securing A* and A grades in GCSE exams. Likewise, Henrietta Barnett School, Tiffin Girls’ School, and Reading School (grammar schools) achieved a remarkable 90% A* or A grades in A-levels.

Nonetheless, when selecting a school, it’s crucial to consider factors beyond results. Evaluating the comprehensive offerings of private and Grammar Schools becomes essential.

Grammar Schools vs Public Schools

Grammar schools in England or across the UK are state-funded and typically admit students based on academic performance.

In England and Wales, a public school refers to a fee-paying independent school historically designed for older boys. They are considered “public” as they admit students regardless of location, religion, or parental occupation.

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What are Private Schools?

Private schools are educational institutions that require parents to pay fees. These schools justify the high fees by asserting that they provide an exceptional standard of teaching and curriculum. 

Additionally, many private schools offer boarding facilities. Overall, private schools claim to offer specialised education, extensive extracurricular opportunities, and unique resources.



Grammar School vs Private School – What’s The Difference?

If you have never personally attended either a Grammar School or a private school in the UK, you may be unfamiliar with the key differences between them. We have stated the main differences below to ensure you can make an informed decision for your child. Now, we will discuss the pros and cons of Grammar Schools vs private schools.

Advantages of A Private School vs Grammar School

Smaller Class Sizes

The average class sizes can differ between private and state schools. In private primary schools, the average class size is less than in Grammar Schools.

  • Smaller class sizes offer several advantages. Students benefit from increased individual contact time with their teachers, allowing for more personalised attention.
  • Teachers can develop a deeper understanding of their students, tailoring their teaching methods to suit their strengths and weaknesses. 

Moreover, creating a nurturing environment becomes more feasible with fewer distractions, enabling students to progress in their learning journey.

Exceptional Facilities

Private schools often boast superior facilities, enabling them to offer extensive sports and extracurricular programs. The financial resources available to private schools allow them to provide a well-rounded and holistic education. 

  • In addition to academic pursuits, private schools prioritise the development of soft skills such as leadership, compassion, and resilience. 
  • Private schools create an environment conducive to nurturing these important qualities in students by offering a wide range of extracurricular activities and ample resources.
  • The availability of advanced facilities and plentiful resources in a private school vs Grammar School enhances the overall educational experience, enabling students to explore their passions.

Moreover, it helps students develop their talents and acquire essential life skills beyond the academic curriculum. But, remember there is no Grammar School fee in the UK compared to expensive private schools. 

A Wider Range of Subjects

Another key difference between private and UK Grammar Schools is the range of subjects. Private schools typically emphasise a conventional curriculum, which means they are less likely to provide vocational courses.

However, they offer a diverse selection of subjects not available in state and Grammar Schools. 

  • For instance, private schools often provide an extensive range of languages, such as French, German, Spanish, Latin, Greek, Russian, and Mandarin. Additionally, they offer less common subjects like Classics, Philosophy, and History of Art.

Furthermore, private schools enjoy the freedom to choose from a wider variety of examination boards. It means that students can opt for alternatives such as iGCSE or Pre-U instead of the traditional A-levels, providing them with an extra level of challenge.

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Advantages of A Grammar School vs Private School 

Better Social Diversity

Are Grammar Schools better than private schools? Yes, if we talk about diversity. Grammar Schools tend to have a more diverse socioeconomic student body than private schools. 

While there is an increasing number of students on scholarships and bursaries at private schools, most pupils still come from affluent backgrounds. Ultimately, it can create an atmosphere that is quite intimidating and exclusive.

On the contrary, Grammar Schools offer a unique blend of advantages. Students attending Grammar Schools share similar academic abilities but come from different backgrounds. This diversity ensures that students have a mix of experiences and perspectives, as they are not all from the same socioeconomic background.

Accessible and Affordable

Another key difference between Grammar Schools and private schools is affordability and easy access for people. So, are Grammar Schools free in the UK? Yes. 

Grammar Schools offer a notable advantage in terms of affordability compared to other educational options. One significant aspect is that parents are relieved from the financial responsibility of paying tuition fees, which can be quite substantial in reputable private schools. 

This factor greatly reduces the financial strain on families and makes Grammar Schools a more accessible choice for a wider range of socioeconomic backgrounds.

Moreover, Grammar Schools also eliminate the need for families to invest excessive amounts of money in securing housing within the catchment area of a reputable state school.

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Opportunities for Excellent Students

State schools’ admissions criteria solely rely on residential location, leading to a significant disparity in students’ abilities. However, Grammar Schools differ in this aspect. 

  • Implementing an entry exam, commonly known as the 11 Plus, ensures that students admitted possess a more similar baseline ability. 
  • Consequently, teachers in Grammar Schools can progress at an accelerated pace, devoting additional time to stretch and challenge the most gifted students.

Moreover, behaviour issues tend to be less prevalent in Grammar Schools, creating a conducive environment for increased focus on learning.

Disadvantages of Private School vs Grammar School

  • Costly Option: Private school fees range from £15,000 to £30,000 per year per child, making them expensive unless significant scholarships or bursaries are obtained.
  • Awkward Entrance: Many private schools only offer a 13+ entry, requiring students to find alternative schooling for Years 7 and 8, leading to potential disruptions and multiple moves.
  • Rigid Environment: Private schools can create an intense and academically competitive atmosphere, which may not suit all students, despite excellent clerical systems and support. The pressure to constantly excel can be significant.

Disadvantages of Grammar School vs Private School 

  • Lack of Choice: The number of Grammar Schools has significantly decreased over the years, with only 163 remaining across 36 English local authorities. So, it creates a situation where the availability of Grammar Schools becomes a “postcode lottery,” limiting options based on where one lives.
  • Highly Competitive: Due to the limited number of Grammar Schools places, competition for admission is intense. On average, there are approximately ten applicants for each available place in Grammar Schools, putting significant pressure on children preparing for the demanding 11 Plus exam.
  • Single-sex Education: While opinions on single-sex education vary among parents, it is worth noting that most Grammar Schools are single-sex. However, some do offer mixed Sixth Forms. It means that parents seeking co-educational grammar schools may have limited options. The choice of sending a child to a single-sex or co-educational local Grammar Schools can be a significant factor for parents.


When considering the choice between the best private and Grammar Schools in England, it is crucial to recognise that every school and every child is unique. Parents are best positioned to determine what aligns with their child’s abilities, interests, and requirements.


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