11 Plus CEM exams, 11 Plus preparation, 11 Plus exam

CEM 11 Plus Exam Preparation

11 Plus CEM exams, 11 Plus preparation, 11 Plus exam

What is CEM 11 Plus (Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring)?

The Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring, a division of Cambridge Assessment, develops 11 Plus entrance exams for Grammar and local Schools. Since 2013, numerous schools and areas have chosen the CEM 11 Plus over the formerly dominant GL Assessment exams.

Some schools and local authorities use the CEM 11 Plus test papers as part of their admission process for Grammar Schools in the UK. These exams assess a child’s reasoning abilities, including verbal, non-verbal, and numerical reasoning. However, the aim is to determine a child’s innate level of intelligence rather than just their ability to memorise or how they approach or prepare for the CEM 11 Plus test.

To achieve this goal, the Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring (CEM), which produces the CEM 11 Plus exams, does not publish a complete syllabus or practice papers. However, it is a deliberate decision, as CEM believes that this will prevent children from being able to prepare specifically for the exams. It will ensure that the exams accurately reflect a child’s inherent intelligence.

CEM 11 Plus Updates 2024

During the latter part of 2022, CEM made a significant announcement that they would be transitioning to online examinations and discontinuing the provision of traditional 11 Plus exams.

For the upcoming admissions season of 2023-24, a majority of Grammar Schools are opting for the GL assessment method. If you’re in the process of applying for your child’s admission to Year 7 in September 2024, it’s highly probable that they will be required to undertake a GL exam.

11 Plus CEM Online Test Practice Free

Do you want to know what types of CEM exam questions are included in 11 Plus?
11 Plus Tutoring For Free

By closely following the National Curriculum, the CEM 11 Plus exams aim to assess a child’s ability to understand and apply the concepts they have learned in school rather than their ability to memorise information. 

So, the tested subjects are designed to overview a child’s skills and abilities comprehensively. It helps in determining their suitability for admission to a Grammar School.

We offer an extensive range of online 11 Plus CEM mock test papers and students can take exams from June to August. 

What was the difference between CEM and GL 11 plus?

Both CEM and GL 11 plus assessments evaluated comparable skills, but there were distinct variations:

  • GL provided practice materials, whereas CEM did not.
  • The timing and structure differed – GL papers were divided by subject, whereas CEM included all subjects in shorter timed segments.
  • GL’s content was less aligned with the National Curriculum and focused more on logical reasoning and spelling.

Areas Covered in 11 Plus CEM Exam Papers

Recent feedback reveals that the CEM exams align closely with the National Curriculum and focus on the following subject areas:

  • General Mathematics
  • Mental arithmetic
  • Word recognition
  • Word decoding
  • Comprehension
  • Spelling
  • Non-verbal reasoning

The CEM 11 Plus exams are entrance exams used by some schools and local authorities in the UK. However, these exams do not follow a set system and can differ each year or between different schools. Therefore, the CEM 11 Plus exam format, content, and difficulty level can vary, making it difficult for parents and children to prepare in advance.

Content of the 11 Plus CEM Exams

  • The CEM 11 Plus exams comprise two 45-minute papers that may be multiple-choice or standard, depending on the specific area being tested.
  • Each paper covers various topics in English (with some VR), Non-Verbal Reasoning, and Numerical Reasoning (Maths). This variety ensures that students are well-prepared and knowledgeable about the exam content.
  • Each paper has several timed sections, each lasting between approximately six to twelve minutes. Children must complete and review each section before moving on when instructed.
  • CEM aims to reduce the advantages of intensive tutoring by dividing papers into smaller timed sections, meaning that children who have diligently improved their speed and timing will be less advantageous than they would have otherwise been.

We are here to help students excel and improve their CEM test results in 11 Plus.

Let’s have a look at an example!

11 Plus CEM Practice Question (Pictures) – Example

what is 11 Plus, prepare for 11 Plus, 11 Plus preparation, 11 Plus exam
The Correct Answer is Option F.

Elements of Past 11 Plus CEM Exams

Recent feedback reveals that the CEM exams align closely with the National Curriculum and focus on the following subject areas:
  • A combination of subjects in multiple papers, such as English and Verbal Reasoning in one exam and Maths and Non-Verbal Reasoning in another.
  • Some schools only focus on one subject.
  • Four separate exams, each covering a unique subject.
  • Both multiple-choice and traditional questions.
  • Timed sections requiring careful time management by children



At 11 Plus Tutoring, we aim to provide the best possible preparation for your child’s future success.

Enhance your child’s chances of success on the 11 Plus exams with our comprehensive tuition programme. Moreover, we provide personalised study plans, lessons from CEM 11 Plus books and individualised support from experienced tutors, and access to a wide range of resources and CEM 11 Plus past papers.

Contact us for more details at [email protected].

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