11 Plus Numerical Reasoning, prepare for 11 Plus, 11 Plus preparation, 11 Plus exam

11 Plus Numerical Reasoning Explained – How to Prepare For it?

11 Plus Numerical Reasoning, prepare for 11 Plus, 11 Plus preparation, 11 Plus exam

The 11 Plus Numerical Reasoning is a part of the entrance test to a Grammar School, used to determine a student’s potential. It tests students’ ability to interpret data, analyse numerical information, and draw logical conclusions. Numerical ability basic operations are the foundation for success in 11 Plus Numerical Reasoning tests.

The majority of the skills needed are covered in KS2 mathematics. Therefore, 11+ Maths & Numerical Reasoning exams consist of the same topics as those taught in the national curriculum for Key Stage 2, with a few topics that are typically only introduced at the beginning of Key Stage 3. As a result, there are numerous resources available for students to focus on the individual topics in Maths. The only additional resources needed for 11 Plus preparation in these subjects are practice papers of the appropriate level and format.

11 Plus numerical reasoning questions assess your child’s ability to think logically and solve problems. 

What Is 11 Plus Numerical Reasoning?

The 11 Plus Numerical Reasoning requires pupils to solve problems using numerical skills and analyse them in detail.

Typically, 11 Plus entrance exams in Maths & Numerical Reasoning tests include similar topics as Key Stage 2, such as data analysis and handling, fractions and decimals, and algebraic reasoning. However, probability and trigonometry are topics introduced at the start of Key Stage 3.

Tips to Prepare for 11 Plus Numerical Reasoning Test

The best way to prepare for the Numerical Reasoning 11 Plus questions is to practise topics regularly. Getting familiar with the 11+ numerical reasoning test tips and tricks is essential. Here we will guide you on how to prepare and pass the numerical assessment test.

1. Consider Current Ability

The first evaluation of your child before they start any preparation is crucial, even if it is only to establish a record of their capability at that time so you can track their progress as they go along. Numerous factors must be considered when assessing a student’s current ability.

2. Master Basics Questions

Learning and practising basic maths concepts is critical to prepare children for the 11 Plus Numerical Reasoning. Some topics to focus on include data analysis and handling, fractions and decimals, and algebraic reasoning.  

Parents can help their children by providing support and guidance, helping them find resources to practice. You don’t have to worry if your child answers a wrong question during the learning process. They will be able to improve if they understand why they went wrong.

3. Improve Core Skills

To maintain interest and motivation, it’s essential to include a variety of numerical reasoning exercises and games that will help improve core skills during the preparation process. The Brain Games should be tailored to perfect core maths skills and include missingOperator, missingNumber, and reArrangeIt exercises. These games are designed to make practising core maths skills fun and engaging.

4. Use Practice Papers and Resources

You can supplement your child’s Numerical Reasoning preparation with 11 Plus practice resources. Leveraging practice tests and online tutorials can be instrumental in preparing and answering 11 Plus Numerical Reasoning questions.

5. Master the Subject

You should remember that some children might need extra help with verbal reasoning (VR) and non-verbal reasoning (NVR). They are taught the basics of solving maths and numerical reasoning questions in school. Therefore, your child should be familiar with many subjects covered in the 11 Plus maths exams.

One can adjust the approach if a child is strong in maths or has limited preparation time. It may be beneficial to initially focus on completing past 11+ mock test papers and revisiting basic concepts only if areas of difficulty arise during mixed practice. This personalised approach allows for tailoring the preparation to the child’s specific needs.

6. Seek Professional Help

Preparing your child for the entrance exams can be challenging for parents. With extra support from qualified tutors can help students understand more complex topics and better understand the various 11 Plus Numerical Reasoning questions. Professional tutoring can also help students stay motivated and build their confidence.

The constructive feedback and practice resources will build your toddler’s confidence and ensure they stay motivated.

7. Praise Your Child For Good Effort

For young children, 11 Plus is a very stressful time. They should be able to deal with combating anxiety. So, reward your child’s efforts as they improve rather than make them fear failure. You should encourage and show respect to their efforts in solving numerical reasoning questions.

Let Us Help Your Child With Numerical Reasoning!

At 11 Plus Tutoring, your child can practise numerical reasoning questions with additional resources and online practice tests. We cover a range of lessons to ensure a comprehensive preparation for reasoning tests. Enrol today or book free trial lessons to see what we offer!

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